quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2007

Cry - Rihanna

I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cuz I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they loved me truly
But at the time it don't mean a thing
My mind is goneI'm spinning round
And deep inside
My tears ill drownI'm loosing grip
What's happening?
I stray for love
This is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what
You'll never see me cry
Did it happened when we first kiss?
Cuz it's hurting me let it go
Maybe cuz we spent so much time
And I know that is no more
I should have never let you hold me baby
Maybe why I'm sad and he's apart
I didn't give it to you on purpose
Can't figure out how you stole my heart
My mind is goneI'm spinning round
And deep inside
My tears ill drownI'm loosing grip
What's happening?
I stray for love
This is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what
You'll never see me cry
How did I get here with you?
I'll never know
I never meant to let it get so personal
And after all I tried to do
Stay away from love with you
I'm broken-hearted
I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry
This time was different
Felt like I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm in this condition
And I got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what
You'll never see me cry

Descobri esta música por acaso e só depois da minha linda maninha a ter metido no meu hi5 é que li com atenção a letra... A letra é totalmente o oposto de mim mas não é por isso que não me deixo de identificar com ela. Acho que não são precisos comentários... quem me conhece sabe que assim é. Devia ser mais fria. Não ver corações por todo o lado... mas faço o contrário! Atiro-me de cabeça. Dou tudo o que tenho! E depois magoo-me... fico mal... chateio quem está mais próximo de mim... choro... enfim... uma cena lamentável....
Mas a música é linda! Não deixem de ouvir!

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

tas coberta de razao!!!

a musica e linda...adoro

bjinhos da Dany*

Anónimo disse...

pimeiroo dzr ki exa musica e bwe linda..
i mi faz lembrar eu mema hehehehehee eu amuuu exa musicaa bezinhuz da